Monday, June 27, 2005


这三天的演出,总算圆满结束了~ 想不到我们这样乱糟糟的一群新丁,居然真的完成了这项Impossible Mission.之前所有的辛劳,失误,不愉快,全都被满足感给掩盖掉~最重要的是,唯二坊终于成功站稳脚步,可以往前迈进,而之前备受看重的压力也在星期天交出大家最好的表现……终于,可以放下心头大石了~
而最奇怪的是,我们结束这演出后,大家又恢复正常了,好像之前的事像梦一般。我当然也是, 肩头上的压力全不见了,当然是心境开朗,360度时钟方向咯!
我们都不成熟, 到处寻求别人的帮忙,但事实是,人间有情~ 人间友情~!这次的筹备,我说的最多的是谢谢与对不起。我现在依然要说:谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!谢谢!


  1. Yeah. finally, the performance has come to an end. For the past 2 weeks, I have been busy with the props and staging. But after 26th of June, my life was so empty all of a sudden.

    Frankly speaking, i enjoyed busying with theater stuff. During the preparation, i did learn alot of practical things, especially in props and staging. Enjoy learning things with the crews! They are the most funny partners i ever have.

    Where as, I was especially glad with the performance of casts. Although it was not the best, they did much better than usual. Zan4! Gambateh yeah!

  2. Although there was argument during our performance, I think we are the most cooperated one. I wish our band will last forever. I dun want be parted from u guys!



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